Monday, January 18, 2010

Pampered Pets / Spoiled Kids

I can't believe my first blog entry of 2010 is dedicated to dogs. Yesterday I was doing some shopping at my local mall when I encountered not one , but two women pushing strollers with their canine "babies". Maybe I've led a sheltered life, but when did it become a mandate that a pet must go every where his master goes? Unless you have a guide dog there is no need for your pet to be at the Food Court with you munching on a soft pretzel!

The last time I looked most dogs (& cats) had 4 legs & walked very well on their own. The same goes for school aged children... since when does a 6 year old need to be in a stroller? If your child is that tired that he can't walk through the mall then,

My apologies to all .... this was not meant to offend anyone, but when you spend all day , everyday with 5 year olds your patience might grow short. xoxo Happy 2010 to all!