Sunday, June 20, 2010

He's Back!

Guess where I was today at 2 a.m.? I was at JFK airport picking up the "teenaged one" from his first study abroad experience. The youngster, a professor, her assistant and 15 students spent the past 10 days on the island of Roatan off the coast of Honduras, Central America.

The youngster said it was like Survivor meets Fantasy Island, except with dolphins and turtles. He even got scuba certified before going so he could explore the coral reef in this tropical paradise.... I'm glad he went, but also glad that he came back safely.


zman said...

looked like a great time.....the pic is unbelievable...great to see the teenage one out there doin his thing and doin it well..zman sends

mom said...

Glad to see the teenager back. He looks great

Anonymous said...

i love dophins!