Sunday, December 16, 2007


Today the youngest McDermott got baptized. Olivia is such a good baby, an angel. What a good girl she was in church... didn't cry not even once. After church we headed over to Joey & Mary's house.... all the kids playing in every room of the house.... all the adults talking & eating & eating some more. Matt ate at least 3 sandwiches... maybe I'm not feeding him enough at home?



Yeah would like to have been there. Olivia is such a cutie. Is their going to Mcoy-Mcdermott offspring someday to baptize. I have a idea for a name

Finch J Mcdermott

Anonymous said...

Pop says It was nice day despite the weather, and I think that a good time was had by all.Plenty of food and drink and family
Love pop

K teacher said...

Picking out names! At least let us tie the knot first.