Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cowboys in Manhattan

As part of my sweetie's Christmas present I got tickets to the PBR (that's Professional Bull Riding tournament for all the civilians out there). So we took the train into NYC this afternoon & had some dinner (Puerto Rican food of course!) After dinner we headed to, of all places, Madison Square Garden to see an indoor rodeo. I had never done this before so I didn't know what to expect, but my sweetie was like a kid on his first trip to the circus.

I'm sure all the football fans out there will think a 280 lbs. linebacker tackling the guy with the ball is exciting, but exciting is watching a man riding bareback on a 2000 lb. raging bull. As usual date night with my sweetie was a lot of fun! Hope you enjoyed yourself honey, I know I did!!!!


highwayman said...

well as far as im concerned the only to real sports are auto racing and yes pbr bull riding the others are well lightweight he he he he he anyways i love you kitten you are my heart and soul

Anonymous said...

Pop says Liz Matt man likes rodeo, and Nascar always has.Also Can you ride a horse? That's another of his favorite pasttimes.


Nascar is neat..especially the car wrecks thats cool..but PBR..rather have my tumor removed by grandma with a rusty fork in a dark room after she has had a few beers.