Saturday, May 16, 2009

Moving Day

Freshman year for the “teenaged one” ended this week. At most colleges, the last week of the semester can be a hectic time… finishing term papers, taking final exams & preparing to move out of the dorm. It can also be a hectic time for the people who are transporting the college student from dorm to home.

The hubbie & I took a day off from work to prepare for our 6 hour road trip to the college. Since my Volkswagen is not spacious enough to accommodate all the “stuff” that a college student needs, we rented an SUV (3 actually) for the trip. Before we left the county the first SUV was returned because of tire issues, the second SUV had issues with the brakes, the third & smallest SUV finally made the journey from our home on Long Island to SUNY Oswego.

One of the lessons I learned this weekend is that even in an SUV the space is limited… we had to rent a small storage unit off campus to store the items that didn’t fit in the vehicle (fridge, TV etc.). The other lesson I learned is that my child A.K.A. “the teenaged one” has an interesting philosophy regarding happiness.

According to my offspring, “You don’t need money to enjoy life”.

Isn’t it great to be young & optimistic? Enough said, he’ll have to do the next posting.


Anonymous said...

well as a wise old timer once told me you dont know nothing best thing to do is shut up and listen teens think they know everything well im 43 and im realizing i dont know everything so my advice to the teens out there

well shut your mouth open your ears and just listen maybe just maybe you might learn something

Anonymous said...

one last thing the irony of our young folks they feel that yeah im cool im hot well gonna tell you all one thing you no different than anyone else so shut your mouth learn to listen and wise up its a tough world out there tough guy

steve said...

Ahhh You dont need money to enjoy life....Yes the philosophy of the younger folk. I told the bank I will pay them when I am dam good and ready too...hmm waiting on a reply from the sheriffs office since the posted the eviction notice...but lisa and I would be estactic in that little cardboard box down the street.....cmon YOUNG ONE WAKE UP...penelope and zman send