Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Grizzwolds go to the Grand Canyon

Looks like the reluctant traveler (husband) had fun. After the Grand Canyon, we drove through the Navajo reservation and headed south to Tucson & Tombstone. Before our 9 day excursion was over the husband was already asking "Where should we go next year?" Can this be the same guy who didn't want to get on a plane just a week ago?


Anonymous said...

Pictures look great. Glad you enjoyed yourselves. It truly is one of the 8 wonders of the world.I can remember not too many years ago if your hubby couldn't drive he wasn't going. Getting him on a plane was a true MIRACLE!!.It just goes to show you what real love, and perseverance can do. Right? Love Pop

steve said...

Wow looked like a great trip. The CC is a spectacular idea for a trip...the pics are terrific...i hope it was all that you thought it would be....hubby looks content but nervous on the plane..nothing a few dramamine cant handle right??....thanks for sharing about your vacation...zman sends