Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Visit from Santa

Two days ago we had a holiday fundraiser at my school. Notices were sent home to the parents... "Have your child's picture taken with Santa at school" $5 for a 5" X 7" or $10 for an 8" X 10"(much cheaper than photos at the mall). When Friday came all the kids in my class were very excited to have their pictures taken with Santa. The kids were on line in the cafeteria waiting patient for their turn. About half the the kids had already taken a picture when I noticed a little girl in my class was having a really in depth conversation with Santa. The rest of the kids were getting restless. As I approached I overheard my student telling Santa the following, " ... and if you don't have enough time to make all my toys, just go to Toys - R- Us or Walmart ."

Where was my camcorder when I needed it?


steve said...

That is truly priceless.....happy holidays and a safe and prosperous new year...zman sends

ChiTown Girl said...

Oh, too funny! Out of the mouths of babes....

steve said...

THE Evil SNOW MONSTER is coming for me save me..i him on camera at the gazette...