Wednesday, January 14, 2009


At the beginning of this school year the staff received a memo stating that all electrical appliances were banned from the classrooms. Of course that meant my little fridge had to go.... so I hauled it down the hall to the "room" (oversized closet) where the teacher's eat lunch and set it up on a small table and plugged it in.

For the past 5 months I've been brown bagging lunch from Monday to Thursday , then eating out with my colleagues on Fridays. Every morning before going to my classroom I leave my lunch & 1 or 2 bottles of water in the fridge. Well at lunchtime yesterday I made a shocking discovery... my water bottles were in the fridge but my lunch was missing.... at first I started second guessing myself....did I forget it at home? or did I leave it in my car?, the bag I brought the lunch in was sitting on the table next to the fridge! No lunch in sight.....

I've lost faith in humanity.... who would take someone else's lunch?


Anonymous said...

Yeah that is messed up...You should get a lunch box with a lock on it..

Anonymous said...

K teacher unfortunately there are all kinds of sick people in this world.People with no conscience or sense of right or wrong.The chances are you'll never know who this low life was,and the best you can do is hope that it went to someone who otherwise would not have had any lunch. Love Pop